Template Structure
The stadium Brain Template sbtmpl
Completely customise your output
Stadium Brain templates are standard XML files. The root element is sbtmpl. The first node in there is settings where you can set a name, a type (name and type are just for your orientation and are not mandatory) and the template’s size (width and height), which should be your output screen’s size.
The next node is layers, where the template layers are defined. As the template renderer puts each new layer on top, the order is from bottom to top.
The content of each layer could be a text or a path, depending on the content type, or any of the predefined template variables.
Anatomy of a template file
Layer Types
There are 4 different layer types that Stadium Brain recognises. image for images with a specific size and position, and video for video clips that are also defined in size and position and the layer determines if the clip should play in loop.
text layers are for text with all it’s attributes like size, color, font etc.
time layers are defined like text layers but allow their content to be refreshed, even on the live display.