Stadium Brain

a soccer stadium running Stadium Brain

Download Stadium Brain

Stadium Brain and Stadium Brain Template Viewer are free to download.
If you use Stadium Brain without registration, you will get an overlay on your output screen.

Stadium Brain

The main App.

You will get an overlay on your output if you didn't register the software with us.
Despite of this, you can see and use all of the software’s functions.


Stadium Brain 1.20.1

19. March 2021 - 3.9MB


Users of version 1.9 and smaller, that still use the USB dongle. Please don't update before you got a registration code from us.

Stadium Brain Template Viewer

Your tool for configuring your own templates.


Stadium Brain Template Viewer 1.2

13. October 2016 - 2.74MB

Style packs

For demonstration, as a starting point for your own designs, or simply for direct use.
Collections of templates and images.



19. März 2021 - 1.2MB

The default templates with some added extras (referees, visitors, timed change). Mostly for study and as a starting point for your own styles.


5. October 2016 - 6.58MB

Playfull, typographic style in red or blue.


5. October 2016 - 5.26MB

Light, informative style


5. October 2016 - 2.95MB

Dark, informative style


5. October 2016 - 0.83MB

Handwritten on paper